Cake Walk
Feb 14 @ 2:30 pm

Cake walk

Every February, the Arbor Court activity department

hosts a cake walk to raise funds for the American Heart


Each walk is $0.25 and winners take home a delicious

baked good.

If you would like to help this cause you can donate a

baked good on the day of the cake walk. Also, volunteers

are always welcome to come walk in place of residents

who are unable.

If you have never attended an Oak Hill cake walk, you

are in for a treat.  This is such a fun event.  Won’t you

join us?

Stop by the Hospice of Southern Illinois photo booth

for a complimentary Valentine’s Day themed photo.

Cake walk - Copy

Salad Day at Oak Hill
Feb 22 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm


We love salad day at Oak Hill. And you can too!
Join us for a healthy lunch on February 22, 2017.
Order a salad for one or get your co-workers or friends/family involved – ten or more orders will get you free delivery in Waterloo.*

Salad includes mixed lettuce and your choice of chicken or ham, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, cheddar cheese, bacon bits and/or croutons and light french or light ranch dressing.

Carry out or have delivered between 10:30am and 12:30pm.
Contact Stephanie Bastien or message Oak Hill on Facebook. We’ll send you an order form or just let us know your name, company, phone number, what ingredients you want and what time you need your order ready for carry out or delivery. Orders must be placed by February 21st.

*Contact Stephanie if you want to order outside of Waterloo and within county limits – we’ll work something out for you! 🙂

Cash or check only. Checks can be made to Oak Hill. We are unable to accept credit card payments at this time.

Stephanie Bastien
(618) 939-0500 ext. 1459

Kloepper Tournament
Feb 27 @ 6:30 pm

Enjoy an evening of cards and complimentary snacks and drinks at Magnolia Terrace.

The admission fee of $5.00 is used towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes plus last place gets their money back to try again next month!

This monthly event is open to the public and you need not have a table formed to join. Individuals will draw a table number upon arrival.


Please R.S.V.P. to Stephanie at 939-3488 ext1459 or sbastien@oakhillmonroecounty.com

Soup & Pie Supper
Mar 8 @ 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Stop by the Oak Hill on March 8th for
All You Can Eat Soup
Choose from Potato, Vegetable Beef and Ham & Bean.  Crackers and Cornbread will be available at no extra charge.
Good luck choosing which slice of delicious pie to pair with your soup.  Choose from Chocolate, Coconut Cream or Lemon.

$6.00 Adults, $3.00 Children 12 & Under
(Payroll deduction available for Oak Hill staff)

Dine-in or Carry-out.

Senior BINGO at YMCA Sponsored by Magnolia Terrace
Mar 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Calling all seniors who love BINGO.  Come to the Monroe County YMCA-HTC Center every second Friday of the month* for FREE BINGO.  Magnolia Terrace Senior Living Apartments hosts this hour long event packed with great prizes and complimentary refreshments.  You do not have to be a member of the YMCA.

*Dates are subject to change.


Kloepper Tournament
Mar 27 @ 6:30 pm

Enjoy an evening of cards and complimentary snacks and drinks at Magnolia Terrace.

The admission fee of $5.00 is used towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes plus last place gets their money back to try again next month!

This monthly event is open to the public and you need not have a table formed to join. Individuals will draw a table number upon arrival.


Please R.S.V.P. to Stephanie at 939-3488 ext1459 or sbastien@oakhillmonroecounty.com

Senior BINGO at YMCA Sponsored by Magnolia Terrace
Apr 7 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Calling all seniors who love BINGO.  Come to the Monroe County YMCA-HTC Center every second Friday of the month* for FREE BINGO.  Magnolia Terrace Senior Living Apartments hosts this hour long event packed with great prizes and complimentary refreshments.  You do not have to be a member of the YMCA.

*Dates are subject to change.


Kloepper Tournament
Apr 24 @ 6:30 pm

Enjoy an evening of cards and complimentary snacks and drinks at Magnolia Terrace.

The admission fee of $5.00 is used towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes plus last place gets their money back to try again next month!

This monthly event is open to the public and you need not have a table formed to join. Individuals will draw a table number upon arrival.


Please R.S.V.P. to Stephanie at 939-3488 ext1459 or sbastien@oakhillmonroecounty.com

Senior BINGO at YMCA Sponsored by Magnolia Terrace
May 12 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Calling all seniors who love BINGO.  Come to the Monroe County YMCA-HTC Center every second Friday of the month* for FREE BINGO.  Magnolia Terrace Senior Living Apartments hosts this hour long event packed with great prizes and complimentary refreshments.  You do not have to be a member of the YMCA.

*Dates are subject to change.


Kloepper Tournament
May 22 @ 6:30 pm

Enjoy an evening of cards and complimentary snacks and drinks at Magnolia Terrace.

The admission fee of $5.00 is used towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes plus last place gets their money back to try again next month!

This monthly event is open to the public and you need not have a table formed to join. Individuals will draw a table number upon arrival.


Please R.S.V.P. to Stephanie at 939-3488 ext1459 or sbastien@oakhillmonroecounty.com

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