Thank you for making my mom so happy

Dear Oak Hill Staff,

I think it is okay that I am at a loss for words, since you all know how important you were to my mother, Lillian Shea.

For the last 1 ½ years of my mother’s life, Oak Hill was her home. It was her home because of the people that work there, who helped her day in and day out. She felt special and loved and would have adopted you all if I would have let her.

I fondly remember and treasure so many stories and events: Denny’s coffee cup adventures, making sure she got her Pepsi “Light” with a straw, visiting and calling on your days off to make sure she was okay and knew she was loved, block parties, bar b ques, fish fries, cocktail hours….and music, music, music, her love of “bath time”, how clean you kept her room and residence (mom always commented on this), taking her for a drive past her childhood farm, bringing her homemade treats, making a drink holder for her wheelchair, music on her own IPod, more outings and fieldtrips than I have room to list, having her first “boy” friend/CNA (who she adored), Twinkie wrappers, chocolate stains on her nightgowns and shaking crumbs out of her shoes.

But I think her favorite thing, was how you would stop by her room just to say “hi” and chat a bit.

For all these things, and many more, you will be remembered and cherished.

Thank you for making my mom so happy.

Jane Shea